They are among the most popular and loved fruits in the world. Ideal for feeling fit thanks to the many beneficial properties

They can be red or blond, they are an ancient hybrid born from a cross between grapefruit and mandarin.

They arrived from China thanks to the Portuguese, but for centuries and centuries, the most fertile lands of choice have been those of Sicily.

We are talking about oranges, considered to be vitamin bombs, which are very good for health and which can boast numerous uses.

They are available to us for almost the whole year, because the orange tree has a resting time of only three months and their consumption is supported by the « I love fruit & veg from Europe » project.

A curiosity, by eating oranges it is true that you are full of vitamins, but kiwis, strawberries, spinach and peppers are even richer.

The benefits are so many. For example, eating oranges promotes digestion and helps treat stomach pains.

In addition, they are useful for purifying the body and are considered a natural remedy to combat anxiety, stress and insomnia, thanks to their calming effects.

In this case, the essential oil of orange comes to our aid, able to exert a relaxing action, thanks to the sweet and very pleasant perfume.

It is used in diffusion, by inhalation or by ingestion and perhaps at the end of the day, it can be added to a hot bath, to better enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Le arance: un vero concentrato di benessere

Oranges are an excellent ally of the diet: just think that about 80-90% of their consistency is provided by water, to which fructose, mineral salts and vitamins are added starting from « C », but they also contain those of group « B » and « P » and then organic acids such as citric acid.

They have few calories, equal to about 35 Kcal per 100 grams. They are low in fat and low in protein and are cholesterol-free.

We find fiber, minerals, water and sugar and they boast antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Oranges are the ideal fruits to face the cold season with a load of energy.

They contain folic acid, vitamin B9, essential for pregnant women, because it protects the development of the embryo, as it is an essential element for cell function and tissue growth.

Did you know that all its beneficial properties, including vitamins, are contained in the albedo?

That is in that white and spongy part of the fruit, which is often considered annoying and we tend to eliminate meticulously. Let’s not do it anymore!

Let’s go to the kitchen, not only to prepare the daily fresh, thirst-quenching orange juice that is great, but also to create risottos, salads, sweet and sour dishes, biscuits, sideboard desserts, muffins and to flavor cakes.

With Sicilian oranges, for example, we can prepare a fresh salad to be seasoned with oil, salt and pepper, to which to add, if we are looking for stronger flavors, onion and olives.

Oranges go well with both meat and fish dishes and are also excellent for preparing soft drinks.

Natural beauty and make dates. Oranges make us more beautiful and nourish our skin:

their consumption can help improve their texture and make the body more toned. Let’s not forget the anti-aging effects, thanks to the presence of antioxidants.

We can indulge ourselves in preparing many types of eco-sustainable cosmetics: masks, scrubs, shampoos, creams, but also infusions and purifying drinks.

How about a lip scrub? Sometimes in the beauty routine the mouth is a part of the face that is too often neglected.

To prepare our exfoliant you only need a little brown sugar (3 tablespoons), dried and chopped orange peel (2 tablespoons), orange juice (1 tablespoon). We mix the three ingredients together, apply on the lips and massage for a few minutes. After the operation, rinse with warm water.

The lips will be smoother and softer, all to kiss.

Le arance: un vero concentrato di benessere

How are oranges chosen?

Experts recommend putting medium-sized oranges on the table.

The fresh ones must have a bright green stalk with some leaves attached.

The peel must be smooth and never wrinkled or bruised.

For orange juice, on the other hand, it is necessary to buy the small ones, which are also cheaper and juicier.

Oranges belong to the rutaceae family and are among the most popular and widespread fruits in the world.

In some countries, they are associated with the concept of fertility, because the orange is the only tree capable of simultaneously producing fruits, flowers and leaves.

According to a survey, after chocolate and vanilla, the orange flavor is the most requested and preferred in the world.

By Federica Riccio

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