Zutaten für 2 portionen
  • 2 Kohlrabi
  • 100 g Staudensellerie
  • 100 g Karotte
  • 60 g Zwiebel
  • 3 g Knoblauch
  • 30 g Aubergine
  • 2 Blätter Minze
  • Fenchel
  • Salz

Für die Rucolasauce

  • 125 g Rucola
  • 30 ml natives Olivenöl extra
  • 5 g Salz
  • 15 ml Wasser
  • 1 g Xantan
  • 50 g Gorgonzola

Peel the kohlrabi, cut off the top and scoop out the pulp carefully to create the cases.

Keep the pulp aside for the vegetable filling.

Boil the kohlrabi in a pan with salt for 10 minutes and then remove and put to one side.

Dice finely the onion, celery, carrot, aubergine and garlic.

Add the kohlrabi pulp, diced.

Soften all the vegetables in a frying pan.

Blend the rocket with the oil, salt and water.

Add the Xanthan gum.


Fill the kohlrabi with the gorgonzola.

Add the vegetables.

Bake in a preheated oven at 175°C for 10 minutes.

Place the rocket sauce on the plate.

Place the stuffed kohlrabi on the sauce.

Garnish with the mint and the chopped fennel.

Enjoy it’s from Europe!
