Moisturising smoothies and fresh snacks packed with water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to keep the skin toned.

The state of health of our skin is essential for maintaining well-being. In winter, our skin tends to dry out more due to the cold. To prevent dryness now, and all year round, be sure to adopt an effective routine, which includes healthy eating habits, but also looking after our skin. The “I Love Fruit & Veg from Europe” project, which aims to promote the conscious purchase and consumption of quality European fruit and vegetables in the United Kingdom, including their organic and PDO/PGI versions, emphasises the importance of safe and sustainable nutrition for the wellbeing of both mind and body.

Keeping your skin hydrated can be achieved through a diet packed with fruit and vegetables because they contain high levels of water, vitamins and minerals, which can improve the health of our skin. These nutrients maintain the elasticity of the skin and protect it against environmental damage. In addition, fruit and vegetables are excellent sources of antioxidants, which defend the skin cells against oxidative stress (ageing) and damage from free radicals. So, let’s explore the fruit and veg from each season which can help keep our skin supple, as suggested by the “I Love Fruit & Veg from Europe” project, which is supported by the producers’ organisations Asso Fruit Italia (AFI), A.O.A., La Deliziosa, Meridia, Terra Orti – and co-funded by the European Commission.

In winter, for optimum facial skin hydration, eat as many oranges and citrus fruits as possible! Rich in vitamin C, which aids collagen synthesis, they can improve skin elasticity and counteract the signs of ageing; the secret is in the citric acid, that stimulates collagen production. For breakfast, start your day with natural hydration and in the best possible way by preparing a delicious freshly-squeezed orange juice. It is also considered a natural therapy to prevent seasonal ailments, such as fevers and colds. Sweet and juicy, pears and apples are other hydrating fruits that are considered natural energy sources. Pears are mainly made up of water and, thanks to the presence of vitamin “A” and vitamin “E”, they help to counteract skin aging. They have soothing effects and can help reduce inflammation and fight acne and irritation. Furthermore, they have a diuretic effect which promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. Apples are also rich in water, thus helping the skin to remain toned, preventing dryness and flaking. They also contain malic acid, a so-called “alpha-hydroxy acid” (AHA), which acts as a natural exfoliant, promoting cell renewal and giving brightness to the skin.

Vegetables are also the secret to good skin and health in general. For facial hydration, cucumbers are one of the most hydrating foods as they’re 95% water. They also have soothing properties, which are great for reducing inflammation and maintaining skin tone and firmness. Tomatoes are rich in water and lycopene, the powerful antioxidant that helps protect the skin from environmental damage and dehydration. Courgettes, with their high water content and good levels of vitamins A, C, and E, promote healthy skin by keeping it fresh. Spinach, again, is full of water and rich in vitamins A and C, which help keep the skin supple and healthy. Carrots are packed with beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which helps improve the appearance of our skin, keeps it hydrated and protects it from sun damage. Peppers are high in vitamin C, which helps the production of collagen and keeps the skin supple. Lettuce and cabbage are full of water and minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, which are essential for all-round skin health.

What should we eat and drink? How about fresh and nutritious “moisturising smoothies”, made from a combination of fruit and vegetables and other seasonal produce for a quick hydration boost? For a simple and quick recipe, blend the following ingredients and enjoy: slice an apple, a pear and an orange, put them in a tall glass, add a pinch of cinnamon, 1/2 glass of sugar-free almond milk and ice, blend and the smoothie is ready. Healthy smoothies are made by combining several types of fruit and substituting full-fat milk or ice cream with rice, almond or soy milk; try adding low-fat yoghurt, too. And for some fresh ideas throughout the day, eating fruit and vegetables is satisfying but light and helps to keep your skin well hydrated. Make them your absolute go-to snack to maintain healthy, glowing skin.

Enjoy. It’s from Europe!

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