Food safey and the quality of food products have always been of uttmost importance to Italy and the European Union.

To assure consumers of a high level of food safety and safeguard the agri food sector from recurrent crises, the EU has adopted the farm to fork strategy along the entire food chain,  with an integrated control system

This is based  on a combination  of high requirements for agri food products—both for (human) health as well as animal and plant welfare—this holds true whether produced in the EU or imported.

All Member States must respect the same criteria; food and sanitary controls are carried out to the same standard across the EU.

This  harmonizing of safety requirements enable  free movement of safe food, contributing significantly to the well-being of citizens and their social and economic interests.

The main principles of the food regulations are:

  • integrated controls along the whole of the food chain
  • interventions based on Risk Analysis
  • primary responsibility of each sector operator for each product made, transformed, imported, marketed or distributed
  • traceability of the product along the food chain
  • the consumer as an active part of food safety.